Arriving December is special month to the western world, and also to the
rest at least to a some extent. So nor is it fair or neither we do to mention
nothing emphasizing with the special month. The picture shown: by Domenico Ghirlandaio.
Good to take the concept of 'be born passive' for descriptive grammar. I had a
note for a while ago now to write a post on this, so there must have been
similar appeared to have been relevant with the same. But that should be even
finer if so.
While saying that activity of philosophizing is essentially
analyses, as we have seen how and read what earlier from some good
philosophical books, we are also maintaining that all those who are commonly
called philosophers have been or are actively engaged in carrying out syntactic
analyses. On the contrary, we are also at not ease to show that a great deal of
what is commonly called philosophy is metaphysical in character and hence this
is, we can say, more than metaphysics.
Here we have dispute in our speculative grammar with 'be born'
as to if it comes into construction to the language voice of the active or
passive and why many goes for passive. I think the passive submission as
to retroactive effect is a bit absurd. I do not think it is accurate to speak
of present state of person in past passive in its effect that way. If we
were to say, for example, 'The building is closed’, that would be present
retroactive adjective and not passive, so there is nothing of that passive kind
in our submission. If we were to take ‘be born’ in the same to refer people
birth date, that type of copulative legislation is past retroactive.
However, there is still one objection to be met before
we can claim to have justified our view that all synthetic propositions are
empirical hypotheses anyway.
Such a claim is, i think, erroneous in itself and contradictory to others while
all genuine propositions are rather empirical knowledges and so they are not
empirical hypotheses. This is thus one of those misunderstood concept within
the field of philosophy and particularly among philosophy writers. Secondly,
this objection is based on the common supposition that our empirical knowledge
(rather than speculative knowledge) in this is of two different kinds that
which relates to questions of empirical facts and which relates to questions of
value. It is thus seeking to be so that the statement of value in
this types are genuine synthetic proposition but they cannot with any show of
justice be represented as hypotheses which are used to predict any other
sensations; and, accordingly, that the retroactive counterpart (the adjective,
and any of its respective complement) as branches of speculative philosophy and
theology in this presents an objection to our radical empiricist thesis in some
Accordingly, also linguistically, just to distinguish some
pattern match with the semantic point of view from a number of samples contains
‘born’, with the aim of characterizing object and predicative complement from
those samples, and then to turn to a consideration by which they are
syntactically meaningful, the reliability between semantic and syntactic
structure is more strait forward in transformational grammar for S-P-O use than S-P-PC. However, it is not
the answer as to why we should consider that ‘born’ always comes to be in
construction with the passive voice as we are commonly told in descriptive
Moreover, also with the alternative explanation that since
the arguments are expressed by NPs while the semantic predicates are expressed
by Vs, we may consider the proposition in abstraction from the thematic
specification, namely, 'experiencer' rather than 'patient', it is still not
that the satisfactory answer.
So does ‘born’ ever come into construction with the passive
voice as we are commonly told?
The contention is the version by which we are accustomed is
not that the passive-voice counterpart, however, though many other forms of the
same 'be born' does the passive-voice in many cases. For example, a question
like 'Were you born by an aristocrat family in Bristol, Heather?' is in the
passive-voice from of a different kind, or even a pure form of a sort.
In comparison thus as in 'Heather was born in Bristol', the
submission is that the event time has retroactive force in its effect for
subject complement only as an active-voice, and, accordingly, which is governed
by a lexical morphology rather than as in the first example which is governed
arguably by an inflectional morphology.
So a further question is if it isn't that passive-form if we
were to say something like, for example, 'I was born in a power family in
England'. A good answer would be, i would argue, that 'yes' can be only applied
to in its minimalism for this kind, ie, in a pseudo or for a pseudo-passive
form. Yet at the same time what a pseudo from attributed in this is has to do
more with our descriptive grammar than an explanation of pseudo-passive form.
Thus, the ordinary system of 'class' here, as elaborated in
the works of ethical philosophers, is very far from being a homogeneous whole.
Not only is 'be born' apt to contains piece of morphological disputes, and
analysis of a non-identical class, but its actual lexemes are themselves of very different
kinds. The distinctions between lexical and inflectional stem system only is
thus to yield the division of certitude in this, while lexical morphology deals
with the process whereby non-simple lexical stems are formed, and
controversially, inflectional morphology deals with the process whereby the
forms of a lexeme are derived from the lexical stem.
Moreover, for the better in detail, the crucial differences
between the two types of class process lies in their significance for the
syntactic classification of words. Thus, as a first and very close
approximation, we can say that words with a given inflectional property make up
the syntactic class is not there as we have understood but the word derived by
a particular lexical process is to be referred to and so is a different kind.
Accordingly, more often than not passive-voice is used
when there is even no such passive implication, as in, say, 'I was born in a
power family in England', since the morphology is to include rules for deriving
the varieties of inflection forms of lexeme only from the 'lexical stem' in
this, while the syntax is to include rules specifying under which condition a
lexeme may or must carry a given lexeme.
However, many, or rather almost all, our grammar books appears to be having no objection to provide with
the take how the word 'born' should be applied in the grammatical voice as to
if this should still at best be in passive-voice. There appears to be still
issues among writers for how the grammar is to have traditionally been
understood or how the alternative active-voice is to be even meaningful.
(Note: The answer is certainly simple and it is just for 2
or 3 sentences. This post is written with my interest in academic
publications and research interests with PhD students on certain concepts.
Thus, those with no undergraduate educational background in philosophy,
theology, or socials-sciences like politics may find it with much ease to read
and comprehend than those with postgraduate educational level with those
subject areas. So i think just coping and pasting certain paragraph of interest
in web search may give similar texts for distinguishing the differences and
corrections made in this as for finding the reason why to those advance readers for the better.)
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